www.derbyphotos.co.uk - Statistics - March 2005

14,605 visitors
739,997 Hits
7.86 GB Bandwith used
Busiest day of month was 14th Mar with 884 visitors

Browser share for month of March 2005 visitors to www.derbyphotos.co.uk, see totals below...
As we can see even though some people really hate Microsoft browsers, it is still the most popular by a long way !

This shows which browsers people used during March 2005

Click the button below to go to the main index of www.derbyphotos.co.uk
Click HERE to visit the Main Index of www.derbyphotos.co.uk where you will find hundreds of high quality photographs of Derby, Derbyshire and the Midlands.

(C) 2001-2005 www.derbyphotos.co.uk